Pension conference on March 26, 2025 in Thun
Are pension funds equipped for the current challenges? Uncertainties, geopolitical tensions and a gloomy economic outlook call for innovative approaches to investment strategy. What are the opportunities and risks in the current real estate environment? What are the current concerns of pension funds?
The key note speaker of the Swiss National Bank, Dr. Roland Scheurer, will shed light on current developments in monetary policy. On stage, 18 experts will report on occupational pensions in general, the challenges facing pension funds and their boards of trustees and present innovative strategies for new approaches to investments. The audience, consisting of 120 interested parties from pension fund committees and investment committees, foundation boards, managers and employees of pension funds and pension schemes, will benefit from knowledge transfer and networking.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 8.45 a.m. to 1 p.m., followed by an aperitif and lunch
Hotel Aare, Freienhofgasse 3, 3600 Thun
Participation in the Swiss Pension Conference entitles you to 4.5 credit points for “Occupational Pension Provision” from the Stiftung Eigenverantwortung. Send us a message to by 20.3.2025 and we will be happy to add you to our guest list. Admission is free for subscribers to Schweizer Personalvorsorge published by VPS-Verlag and members of ASIP.